Make a loan on a current account in quick and easy procedure! Provide additional funds in the account

Allowed current account overdraft (debit cards)
Purpose Non-purpose, cash loan
Loan amount 50€ - 10.000€
Term 3 - 24 months
Payment frequency Regular inflows
Nominal interest rate 13,00% - 18,00% annual, fixed
Arrangement fee from 1,20%
Penalty interest rate 2,00% per month
Currency EUR
  • Creditworthiness is determined in accordance with the methodology for creditworthiness assessment. Depending on the creditworthiness, a loan can be issued without a guarantor and with maximum 2 guarantors
  • Alternatively, collateral of a legal entity (commercial company) can be used as security, instead of one guarantor, provided that the creditworthiness of the legal entity is categorised as good asset or asset with a special note.
  • Co-borrower can increase the creditworthiness
  • Alternatively, if the security is a mortgage against property, guarantors are not required

An example of the loan

Current account limit (debit cards)
Amount 480,00€
Term (in months) 6
Interest rate (annual) 14,5%
Commission 1,20% (5,76€)

* Please note that there is no annuity for this type of loan, thus after the expiration of 6 (six) months the client can extend the same or repay it in its entirety.

  • Request for granting a limit,
  • ID card,
  • Statement on related parties,
  • The approval of access to data of the Credit Registry of the Central Bank of Montenegro,
  • The statement of the current account used for the payment of salaries or other income during the period of time which is (as a rule) 3 months prior to the month of submitting the Application,
  • Applicant’s salary administrative withholding order,